Swipes for Advice

Tinder for networking. As underclassmen we're always wasting extra dining hall swipes and need valuable mentorship and career advice, and our older upperclassmen friends miss UCLA's wonderful buffet style dining.

With Swipes for Advice, it's a win-win!

Browse, match, and chat with local profiles showing credentials pulled from LinkedIn. If you two hit it off, take an upperclassmen out for a meal and receive mentorship over lunch!


[ppt presentation]

Additional Screenshots:

Visualize and explore tweets with D3.js & Ruby on Rails

Zoom, pan, search, and visualize the latest Twitter trends. View automatically "reclustering" groups of 500,000+ tweets based on most popular hashtag, most active user, and most popular twitter client. As users zoom in and out, clusters of tweets automatically resize to become more or less granular.


It's a Wonderful Day

Sometimes we just need a little peace and quiet.

It's a Wonderful Day is a short film created in C++ with openGL, depicting the fate of a happy family of snowmen and one particularly grumpy sun.

The film placed top 3 for best animation project in UCLA's Computer Graphics class of Spring 2014.


The aliens are fierce and the torpedoes are scarce.

Enter Space Inflators. A classic top-down shooter written in C++, inspired by the arcade classic, Space Invaders. Utilizing an existing graphics and sound API, I created my own take on xenocide in two dimensions.

Space Inflators features 3 different types of aliens, all with unique AI states and behaviors, damage statistics, hit points, and power up drop rates.

[playable demo] (2MB .zip)
